Monday, 22 February 2010


To support and help promote new small business,s in Braintree, I am offering a voucher to customers of Little Tinkers ,This voucher will entitle you to a photo session worth £75.00.

Once you have your voucher call me, and i will arrange a time and date that is convenient to you. As all photographs are taken in your home so baby is in familiar calm surroundings, No need to rush or bring baby out in the cold,

The session allows for a number of pictures and clothing changes,

All I ask from you is that the room is warm and you have an area where there is plenty of natural light. For babies comfort I recommend warming any hard surface that you may want to lay baby on and make sure blankets and white towels are clean and warm.

I will take you details and once your proof images are ready will call you back to arrange a convenient time to come to your home so you can view your images

Picture prices start from £15.00

There are arrange of choices from canvas prints through to bespoke framed images

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