Something we all do from time to time, Only with the recent crash of my computer and its data, including backed up data,. I have had to ask myself many questions. One of those questions is am I enjoying what I'm doing?
In truth the answer is no!, Why you may ask is the answer no,
So I begin by telling you about a simple wedding, Right now times are hard, people dont have x amount of money for luxuries, Unfortunately people seem to see wedding photography as a luxury. So let me tell you what is involved for me. I take time to come and visit you and show you some pictures and albums and chat to you about what style you would like. These pictures and albums were not given to me free I had to work on them make them up and pay for them. We then have a quick pre wedding photo session, Ok you might say I get the easy job here just taking a picture, well no I dont its a skill, You see to get nice images I have learnt how to use my camera , Its not just about pointing and snapping, Its about reading light and distance, its about posing, and looking at the background and other distractions.
I then come home and work individually on each picture I have taken. Yes each single image gets my personal attention, blemish are removed, skin softening can be done, each image tone is adjusted to give my clients the best.
Come your wedding day I will work flat out all day, and the next day in fact every day for at least 14 days on your images, Once your happy they are then either placed in design software to make your album or uploaded to a master printer for printing.
From start to finish I work personally on them They are not farmed out for some one else to do. You see I create something that is everlasting and I wont compromise by doing the £150.00 or £200.00 wedding. I have insurance and have had training, I have a professional camera and lenses that cost twice as much as the camera. I have access to top of the range products .
You see I wont and cant turn up on your special day with a camera set on a pre-set mode of portrait and then get your images printed by either some high street store or basic on-line photo store and charge you £150.00 for that service.
The shame is this is what many of you want, your willing to fork out thousands on venues, dress,s food,wine but when it comes to your wedding photography you only want to pay a few hundred quid,
fine if you want images with people missing, horrid lamp post or road signs in the back ground, out of focus shots, fine if you only want your pictures to last for between 10 and 15 years.
So my first thought is to drop weddings as obviously a quality service is not really what people want. Then I thought again no I wont drop them but I will place a new limit . The limit I have decided is 5 weddings a year. The price is as it is no cheaper.
Areas in photography I will be concentrating on are families,children and babies, Why because unlike a harsh studio set up I offer something much more relaxing and personal . Also unlike a studio if baby is unhappy or extra tired then the session can be rescheduled for another time .
My first venture is Children's birthday party shoots and having completed two of these I found them great fun Lots of children running around having a great time meant some wonderful images for parents to keep. It also meant I got jelly and ice-cream to eat.
Secondly I am going back to photographing for myself, yes just random images I personally like to take, Maybe challenge myself to just taking one lens and using it for the whole week, Getting back to some arty type photographs
Time spent with a camera and lens is not time wasted, It allows me to stretch myself, it allows me to push my limits.
In future my blog will no doubt be more about me, whats been happening, what I have been doing.
Taking time out for myself and doing what I please
1 comment:
This rings so true to our business that it is uncanny - we sent an email to a prospective client letting them know that the cost price of an album to us was more than their entire budget. I'm sure they just think it takes 1/250 of a second to capture each image
Ho hum
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