Monday, 6 September 2010

A photo session with a VIP

On Friday September the 3rd I had a very important rendezvous with a VIP named Aidan. Aidan is 14 and since the age of 8 has been having on going treatment for his illness, The treatment now is not working and Aidan is fully aware he will be saying goodbye to this world.

I first met Aidan a few months ago at Barts hospital , His parents had approached me as Aidan wanted a photo session,. On meeting Aidan I was in awe of this bright cheeky young man who told me "your not the only photographer I am meeting I have got to find the right one".

Well I got a call last week from Aidan's parents to ask if I would do Aidan's photo session and where he wanted it done which was Dungeness in Kent.

I arrived at Dungeness at 10:30am the weather was fine the sky was blue, Aidan loves this place its special to him. we had a wonderful photo session. Aidan wore a variety of hats , we had a super model session and a family lifestyle session.

I didn't charge a fee just petrol and picture prices Aidan's family treated me to a meal in the pilot Inn.
At Aidan's request his images will not be hosted for public viewing until after he has gone. He has given me a letter which contains what he wants written on my blog and is picking what image he wants blogged.

For me as a photographer it was a very strange feeling knowing  that no doubt this would be the last time Aidan would be photographed. Aidan himself directed most of the session it involved mirrors and feather boa,s and posh frocks for his mum and sister.

I call Aidan a VIP not because he is famous or well known but because he is so brave and light hearted and fun.

Addie I know your read this I want to tell you that you really touched my heart that your wisdom is beyond your years and that you are the bravest nicest person I have ever ever had the pleasure of coming across.

That we sat on the walk way you hugged me and told me not to be sad you had a great life and now you had never got to worry about who to marry or  what job to have or credit card bills.

Thank you for your email and I am so glad your thrilled by your pictures

I dedicate this image to you Addie where we sat on the walk way with my broken filter which I wont be replacing. Like you said somethings happen because they need to happen and sometimes bad things happen yet they can be beautiful things we just dont know it at the time
For Aidan

All image remain copyrighted to Andrea Abbott

1 comment:

5Max said...

The people aspect of your photography is very touching. Thank you for sharing those beautiful incidents.